In collaboration with MuMoMA, Sokana Collective presents a comprehensive, trauma-informed care and diversity centered 3 hours class directed to doulas and folks already doing the work in our communities.
This is a 3 part VIRTUAL series:
Class 1: June 17th - Perinatal Loss
Class 2: July 22nd - Fertility Loss
Class 3: August 12th - Abortion Loss
The class goals are:
-Understanding Perinatal Loss. General information on what Perinatal Loss looks like, and different management approaches people might experience.
-Accompanying Loss. Evaluating our support roles, exchange skills, comfort measures, and best practices to support people through their loss experiences
-Explore your community role!
This class is being facilitated by Jacoba who is a Sexual and Reproductive Health specialist with over 20 years of expierence.
Register for the entire series under one of the payment tiers:
Full Price: $150
Community Discount: $100
Sokana Collaborator Discount: $75